Want to learn more about InCatT’s expertise and services? Please have a look at the recently published application notes.
InCatT catalyst library: the key to rapid catalyst finding
Over the past 10 years, InCatT has been actively working on solving some of the most challenging catalytic processes and has been helping our customers implement them on industrial relevant scales. This success is a result of an unprecedented catalyst library of which the supramolecular bidentate ligands form an extremely powerful element. The ease of creating new catalysts by parallel synthesis and testing them in our high throughput systems allows for a rapid optimization of even the most challenging catalytic processes. Read more about our proprietary technology and how it can solve your catalytic challenges.
Fast and Efficient Catalyst Optimization Strategies
Catalyst research requires specialized knowledge, well-trained scientists and equipment. Within this application letter, we will provide an overview of the research strategies we have developed for the AMTECH SPR16 reactor system.
Identifying Water Oxidation Catalysts for Clean Fuel Production
The splitting of water in a light-driven reaction is one of the most promising processes for producing clean fuel. In order to create an efficient process suitable reaction catalysts must be found. In a high throughput screening we performed more than 200 reactions with different catalysts inside OxoDishes® and recorded the oxygen production. This way we were able to identify several catalysts that could form oxygen at the used reaction conditions. Comparison with Clark-electrode measurements confirmed results gathered with the OxoDishes®. The OxoDishes® proved to be a robust and versatile tool when screening for molecular water oxidation catalysts (WOCs).